Embracing transparency to enable change

Published date: 28 June 2023

GRI’s annual report shines a light on the organization’s impacts

To demonstrate how GRI assesses, responds and contributes to its most significant impacts on the economy, environment and people, the latest annual sustainability report for the organization has published.

The 2022 report, Towards a global comprehensive reporting system, is produced in accordance with the GRI Standards. From standards setting to governance, from operations to GRI’s actions as an employer, the publication explores priorities and progress during the year.

The reporting process spanned eight months and included the establishment of a dedicated reporting team. Following an in-depth stakeholder mapping and engagement exercise, including a survey of 4,000 individuals, the following identified material topics form the basis of the report:

    • GRI Standards development 
    • Standardized impact reporting 
    • Driving reporting uptake 
    • Increasing reporting robustness 
    • Impacts on people
    • Economic impacts 

As provider of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards, GRI seeks to lead by example in the application of impact reporting. We are a medium-sized enterprise with a dispersed global workforce, and as such our own report demonstrates the relevance of the GRI Standards for any organization – regardless of size, sector or location. First and foremost, we used the process to better understand what is working well in the organization as well as where we need to improve. Reflecting on the views of stakeholders and determining impacts is a powerful tool to inform business strategy and decision making, and we will be applying the learnings from our report in the year to come.

Asthildur Hjaltadottir, GRI’s Chief Sustainability Officer

Major 2022 milestones presented in the report include:

The publication of the sustainability report goes alongside that of the GRI Annual Accounts 2022, which provides a detailed overview of the organization’s income and expenditure, grants and subsidies, and reserves and liabilities.