Topic Standards Project for Labor

The human rights-based approach will form the basis for the revision and development of the Labor Topic Standards

Public exposure

The exposure drafts for the first phase ‘Employment practices and conditions’ of the GRI Topic Standard Project for Labor are made available for public comment between 10th June to 4th October 2024.

You are welcome to provide feedback on the exposure drafts through the online survey that is available through the following link

You can find the exposure drafts in the below link:

A summary of the project's objectives and the significant proposals can be found in the Explanatory Memorandum. The public exposure process follows the GSSB Due Process Protocol.

The GRI Topic Standards Project for Labor is being developed in three thematic phases; Employment practices and conditions, Working life and career development, and Workers’ rights and protection. The Labor project is being up for public consultation in 3 different phases. This means that only specific Topic Standards are available for public exposure during each public consultation period.

Global webinars

Two Global Q&A webinars on the exposure drafts took place in June. From end of August till end of September regional sessions will take place.

If you are interested in holding a regional or thematic session please reach out to [email protected] to discuss opportunities.

Project update

The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) appointed the Labor Technical Committee in September 2022 and an Advisory Group (AG) with independent experts to support and advise the Technical Committee on the content development process.

The project is revising the labor topic standards in two sets of complementary related topics. Both sets of standards will have their own Public Consultation Process. The project follows the GSSB's Due Process Protocol, the implementation of which will be overseen by the Due Process Oversight Committee.

About this project

The Topic Standard Project for Human Rights has identified the need to revise the existing labor-related disclosures and develop new ones. The human rights-based approach and due diligence - the cornerstone of the Universal Standards - will form the basis for the revision of the labor-related Topic Standards. The revision process will use a programmatic approach to allow for a greater alignment of the Topic Standards. Currently, the following labor-related GRI Topic standards are set to be revised:

  • GRI 202: Market Presence 2016; 
  • GRI 401: Employment 2016; 
  • GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations 2016; 
  • GRI 404: Training and Education 2016; 
  • GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016; 
  • GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016; 
  • GRI 408: Child Labor 2016; 
  • GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016. 

The development of labor-related standards will enable organizations to publicly disclose their most significant impacts on workers and how they are managing those impacts.

The importance of these Standards

In recent years, there has been a greater understanding of organizations' responsibilities concerning human rights and labor relations. For example, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights  have become an authoritative global reference point. As a result, companies now have a better understanding of their responsibilities, including their impacts on workers, which they can consequently incorporate into reporting. The International Labor Organization (ILO) Decent Work 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has also highlighted the need for productive employment and decent work as the key elements for achieving fair globalization and poverty reduction.

The revision is part of the second phase of the Topic Standard Project for Human Rights.

Read the Project Proposal for more information.

Project overview

July 2022
GSSB approval of the project proposal
Sept 2022
Appointment of the Labor Technical Committee. Bios available under Related documents
Sept 2022
Call for the Advisory Group
Q3 2022-Q4 2024
Content development by the Technical Committee
Q1 2024
GSSB approval of the first set of draft Standards for public exposure
Q3 2024
Public comment period on the first set of draft Standards
Q3 2024
Analysis of public comments and revision of draft(s) with the Technical Committee with the first set of standards
Q4 2024
GSSB approval of the first set of Standard(s)
Q1 2025
GSSB approval of the Second set of draft Standards for public exposure
Q2 2025
Public comment period on the second set of draft Standards
Q3 2025
Analysis of public comments and revision of the draft(s) with the Technical Committee with the second set of standards
Q4 2025
GSSB approval of the second set of Standard(s)

Related Documents

Labor Technical Committee & Advisory Group - Terms of reference file 15 Sep 2022 English 184 KB
GRI Topic Standards for Labor - Final Project proposal file 15 Sep 2022 English 163 KB
GRI Topic Standards project for labor-Technical Committee member biographies file 19 Sep 2022 English 285 KB
GRI Topic Standards project for Labor-Advisory Group Experts Biography file 16 Feb 2023 English 518 KB
GRI Topic Standards project for Labor_Significant Changes for Workers Exposure draft file 10 Jun 2024 English 619 KB
GRI Topic Standards project for Labor_Employment Exposure draft file 10 Jun 2024 English 1 MB
GRI Topic Standards project for Labor_Control of Work Standard Interpretation to GRI 2 Exposure draft file 10 Jun 2024 English 161 KB
GRI Topic Standards project for Labor_Remuneration and Working Time Exposure draft file 10 Jun 2024 English 1 MB
GRI Explanatory Memorandum to the exposure draft standards for Labor file 10 Jun 2024 English 241 KB
GRI Topic Standards for Labor_Full public comment survey questions_Phase 1 file 12 Jul 2024 English 265 KB

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