Unlocking the ESRS for GRI Reporters

Feeling a bit lost in the buzz surrounding the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards? In this online course, we will cover everything you need to know about the CSRD and the instrument for achieving CSRD compliance, the ESRS. Join us for a comprehensive dive into the structure and key characteristics of the ESRS, and acquire the expertise to integrate it into your current GRI reporting processes and practices. If you ever wondered about the alignment between the GRI Standards and ESRS, we got the answers. You will learn how the GRI Standards and the ESRS are exactly aligned and how the existing mapping documents between standards can be used.

Course Content

Part 1: Getting to know the CSRD and the ESRS
Part 2: Exploring the ESRS further
Part 3: Leveraging the GRI process to determine material topics for ESRS reporting
Part 4: Publishing ESRS reports
Part 5: Comparing ESRS and GRI disclosures
Part 6: Where do you go from here?

Who is this course designed for?

This course is aimed at reporting practitioners and those supporting sustainability reporting practices who have experience using the GRI Standards. Other users of the GRI Standards, such as students, academics, data users, and policymakers, are also welcome to take this course.

What will you achieve?

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

Describe the purpose and key features of the CSRD
Give an overview of the structure and key characteristics of the ESRS, including similarities and differences to the GRI Standards
Describe the ESRS materiality process and general and topical disclosure requirements of the ESRS, in broad terms
Identify how to leverage current GRI materiality processes and the disclosure requirements to satisfy ESRS requirements
List the technical requirements of publishing an ESRS report, including tagging and referencing of information
Explain why and how organizations can report using both the GRI Standards and the ESRS, including the use of various mapping tools.


There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Unlocking the ESRS for GRI Reporters
300.00 €
3 h
Certificate of completion
CEU: Yes
There are no pre-requisites for this course.