New governance refresh underpins GRI’s multistakeholder strengths
Published date: 27 January 2025

Membership appointments confirmed for three bodies
A renewal of the membership across three of GRI’s key governance bodies has taken effect from January 2025.
GRI’s multi-tiered governance structure, set in place to ensure effective oversight and strategic direction, seeks to ensure globally representative and multistakeholder representation. A series of new appointments have been made to the following bodies:
- The Supervisory Board – this non-executive body is responsible for overseeing the organization’s long-term strategy and priorities, providing advice to the Management Board.
- The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) - this independent body is entrusted with the responsibility for setting and updating the GRI Standards, making sure that the standards remain relevant and of the highest quality.
- The Due Process Oversight Committee (DPOC) - established to guarantee that any of the standard-setting activities respect a defined due process, maintaining the integrity and credibility of the GRI Standards.
Joining the Supervisory Board is:
- Dr. Agnes K Y Tai, Director, Great Glory Investment Corporation, Hong Kong (Investment institution)
The new additions to the GSSB are:
- Charles H. Cho PhD, CPA, Professor of Sustainability Accounting, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada (Civil society)
- Yan Dong, Distinguished ESG Scientist, Research Institute for Environmental Innovation, China (Civil society)
- Anne Lindsay, Responsible Investment Coordinator, International Transport Workers’ Federation, United Kingdom (Labor organization)
- Felipe Martinez Rodriguez, Head of Operational Environment & Compliance, Norsk Hydro ASA, Spain (Business enterprise)
- Zuzanna Muskat-Gorska, Legal Officer, International Trade Union Confederation, Belgium (Labor organization)
Reappointed to the GSSB for a second term is Anna Nefedova (Deloitte, Switzerland).
Newly appointed members of DPOC are:
- Javed Siddiqui, Professor of accounting & Director for social responsibility, University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Civil society)
- Cornelia Grant, Founder, CG Communications Ltd., United Kingdom (Mediating institution)
Jenitha John (Global Consultant, South Africa) has been re-appointed to the DPOC for a second term and will take up the position of Chair, with Jeremy Nicholls (Consultant & Adviser, UK) now serving as Vice Chair.
As Chair of the Nomination Committee, I am delighted to announce the appointments of these new members to serve on GRI's governance bodies. Our rigorous process has led us, once again, to identify an international slate of individuals who bring a wealth of expertise and diverse perspectives to the table, and whose contributions will greatly enhance our multi-stakeholder governance. To all the people who have served their terms and are rotating off, I would like to thank them for their dedicated efforts in support of GRI’s mission.
Helena Broadbridge, Member of the GRI Supervisory Board, and Chair of Nominations CommitteeAppointments to GRI governance bodies are voluntary, with members serving a three-year term. GRI seeks balanced representation across global regions, ensuring a wide range of interests, knowledge, and backgrounds are reflected.