Universal Standards available in more languages
Published date: 24 October 2022

Translations published in Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese
The latest version of the Universal Standards, the standards that underpin all GRI reporting, are now freely available in three further translations - Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.
In October 2021, GRI unveiled a major update to the Universal Standards, which delivered the highest level of transparency for organizational impacts on the economy, the environment and people. The changes included full alignment with intergovernmental instruments, as set by the UN and OECD, for reporting on responsible business conduct and due diligence for human rights impacts.
Following the recent announcement that the Universal Standards 2021 Update is available in Simplified and Traditional Chinese, this means they can so far be accessed in six languages, including English. Before the end of this year, translations are expected to launch in Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, and Italian.
The revised Universal Standards, which come into effect for all reporting entities from 1 January 2023, are comprised of three Standards:
- GRI 1: Foundation - introduces the purpose and system of GRI reporting, setting the key reporting concepts, requirements and principles;
- GRI 2: General Disclosures - disclosures on reporting practices, activities and workers, governance, strategy, policies and practices, and stakeholder engagement;
- GRI 3: Material Topics - step-by-step guidance and revised disclosures on how the organization determines, lists and manages each of its material topics.
GRI will also be providing the new Sector Standards in more languages. Translated versions of the Coal Standard (GRI 12), and the Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fishing Standard (GRI 13), can be expected at the end of 2022 and early 2023.